
Lernen braucht Mut
Evaluation in der kulturellen Bildung

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Program and project evaluations in cultural education are conducted on a regular basis, but unfortunately often as a matter of routine with predictable results. Based on their own research, the authors develop a concept of evaluation that fosters institutional learning. The article develops rules and working steps for participative evaluation geared toward successful learning. Generally, evaluation involves an intense communicative process between the funding body, evaluated institution and other stakeholders. Evaluation is organized in such a way that learning happens in a loop, in which mistakes and problems are rectified. The funding body and evaluated institution are guided in such a way that they can update their aims, their actions, and their goals. The combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods makes it possible to locate problems in the program or project and understand the reasons for these flaws. However, a culture in which flaws are appreciated as learning opportunities is often desired in theory but not welcomed in practice. But in a positive climate, they do help in further developing institutions and processes.
