
The Art of Diversity: Creating Cultural Organizations and their Personnel, Public, Program, and Partners


This paper investigates the impact of Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) policies, diversity climate, and inclusive leadership on the diversity of cultural organizations across four Ps: Personnel, Program, Public (audience), and Partners. Using data from an online D&I scan of 295 Dutch cultural organizations, we observed a positive association between the overall D&I policy and diversity outcomes. Additionally, we found a positive association between D&I policies targeting a specific P and diversity outcomes for that specific P. Furthermore, our analysis highlights the pivotal role of inclusive leadership in translating D&I policies into tangible outcomes. Our findings reveal that inclusive leadership not only directly influences the synergy climate, but also strengthens the link between D&I policies and the fairness climate. Overall, our study offers insights into how to effectively enhance diversity and inclusion in cultural organizations.


2024 (1)

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