Case Study
Smart City Cluj, from Provincial Hotspot to Transnational Hub: The Adventures of a Would-Be Post-Industrial City in Romania
The focus of this essay is, first, to see if the Transylvanian city of Cluj can really be counted amongst ‘post-industrial’ cities – or, at least, if its strategies of development would really allow it to be listed as a ‘post-industrial’ city in the foreseeable future. Secondly, the essay will try to find the set of factors that determines the city’s current – as it will unfold – ambitious development and, future – no less ambitious – projects. Thirdly, the link between the post-industrial spin and the emergence of an important creative industries scene will be considered, as the essay will try to explain the role of creative industries in the new post-industrial economic dynamic of the city.
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Resiliency in the Cultural Sector

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