Case Study

Moving pictures moving audiences?
Status quo und Potenzial der Bewegtbildkommunikation von öffentlich bezuschussten Kultureinrichtungen in Kanton und Stadt Zürich

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The case study “Moving pictures moving audiences?” examines how publicly funded cultural institutions in the canton and city of Zurich are attuned to the increasing popularity of video content and how they use it as part of their communication. The aim of the study was to outline the use of video content in the institutions. In order to gain information on the goals and practice as well as the potential of this type of communication, an online survey, deepening interviews, and a document analysis were conducted. It turned out that in the majority of the institutions the video content is conceptualized implicitly on the basis of the artistic program. However, ambitious goals such as brand profiling and business-model innovation require explicit (written) concepts as a control mechanism. In addition, deeper knowledge about the target audience and its media-usage behavior can help to increase the reach and interaction rates of the video content.
