Research Article
From a few resounding voices to a multitude of whimpers. The role of writers towards modern cultural policy in Mexico
In this article I will look into the role of writers towards cultural policy in Mexico. Although artists generally do not participate in policy planning, some specific writers and their literary cenacles have been fundamental in shaping Mexican cultural policy. This relation between writers and the state will be analysed through some literary groups and their relation to politics and cultural policy in the 20th century, a relation that in the 21st century has changed as writers and their publications have lost terrain to social media. FONCA was the institution that resulted from this relationship dedicated to foster artistic production from 1989 to 2020. I will analyse FONCA and Mexico’s arts policy, updating previous studies, from a dual perspective: as a writer and researcher that has been beneficiary and judge of its programmes.
2022 (2)
Artists' Narratives in Cultural Policy and Management Research
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© 2024, Journal of Cultural Management and Cultural Policy
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