The Journal of Cultural Management and Cultural Policy is published twice a year in Summer and Winter with a thematic section focusing on a special issue and an open section with contributions on varied topics. Current calls for papers are published here.
Peer Review Process
Authors can submit no more than one article in two years. The editors-in-chief reserve the right to review exceptions. For quality assurance purposes all submitted research articles and essays are reviewed in a double-blind peer review procedure.
The editors-in-chief and managing editor evaluate every submitted manuscript. To identify scientific misconduct such as plagiarism and citation manipulation, the plagscan software is used. If a manuscript does not meet the required formal or academic criteria or if the topic and content of an article clearly do not fit in with the Journal it can be directly rejected instead of being submitted to a review. Authors are informed of this approximately four weeks after submission of the manuscript.
Three experts review each manuscript. Two reviewers are selected by the editors-in-chief, one is suggested by the author. The two reviewers are selected according to the methodological scope and the topic of the manuscripts. The reviewing follows a standardized procedure, including quantitative and qualitative aspects.
The results of the reviews will be sent to the author in the editorial decision letter. Manuscripts might be accepted, subjected to revisions, or rejected. This process can take up to four months.
The revised manuscripts are then resubmitted to the reviewers. The second reviewing should not take longer than four weeks. The authors are informed about the decision on the definitive acceptance of the manuscript; last small changes may be requested.
Review criteria are:
- conceptual quality of the manuscript
- soundness of methodology
- precision of objectives
- academic importance of the topic
- significance of research approach
- relevancy to cultural management or cultural policy practices
- readability (presentation, stylistic form)
Submission Guidelines
All manuscripts will be submitted in two documents. The first one contains:
- Title / Subtitle
- Author and affiliation
- Abstract (1’000 characters max.)
- Keywords (3-5 words) from this list
- Name and Email of three reviewers that are suggest by the author. Please send a very short explanation why those are suggested.
Please name the file: “Abstract Title-of-the-ms“
Please name the second file: “Text Title-of-the-ms“. This file contains the manuscript (without any author information)
You can find the formal guidelines for submissions here.
All graphics and images have to be sent separately as JPG or TIF files in a resolution of 300dpi.
No fees or charges are required for manuscript processing and/or publishing materials in the journal. Authors might be asked for professional native-speaking proof reading of their manuscript on their on terms and expenses. Upon submitting the manuscript, the authors consent to this publication and malpractice statement. Authors whose manuscripts have been accepted will be asked to sign an agreement with the co-editors in chief to clarify copyright and licensing of the published material.
Please send your submission to submissions [at] jcmcp [dot] org
Current Calls for Papers
© 2025, Journal of Cultural Management and Cultural Policy
- Aesthetics
- Higher Education
- Cultural Diplomacy and Foreign Cultural Policy
- Occupation
- Career and Professional Role
- Audience Development
- Audience Studies and Visitor Studies
- Visitor Motivations
- Business
- Covid Pandemic
- Democracy
- Digitalization
- Diversity
- Third Sector
- Empirical Aesthetics
- Development
- Ethics
- Evaluation
- Field Theory
- Festival
- Film
- Federalism
- Community Arts
- Societal Change
- Ideology
- Staging
- Career
- Communication
- Concert
- Creative Industries
- Creativity
- Crisis
- Culture
- arts organizations, cultural organizations
- Cultural Participation
- Cultural Change
- Fincancing The Arts
- Cultural Promotion Law
- Cultural History
- Cultural Management
- Cultural Economy
- Cultural Organizations
- Art Education
- Cultural Policy
- Cultural Production
- Cultural Sociology
- Art Education
- Cultural Understanding
- Arts Administration
- Cultural Industry
- Cultural Sciences
- Art
- Art Field
- Arts Research
- Artists
- Artistic Research
- Artistic Reputation
- Arts Management
- Arts Organizations
- Art education
- Arts Marketing
- Arts Administration
- Curating
- Leadership
- Literature
- Advocacy
- Management
- Marketing
- Market
- Media
- Methods Development
- Mexico
- Monumentalizing
- Museum
- Music
- Non-Visitor Studies
- Opera
- Orchestra
- Organization
- Political Expression
- Post-truth Politics
- Professional Role
- Audience
- Audience Development
- Law
- Government
- Role
- Socially Engaged Art
- Social Cohesion
- Social Change
- Social Cohesion
- Non-visitor Socio-demographics
- Socioculture
- State
- Symbolic capital
- Dance
- Participatory Justice
- Theatre
- Theatre Governance
- Theory Development
- Tourism
- Transformation
- Survey
- Entrepreneurship
- Urbanism
- Civil Society