Research Article
Social Desirability’s Influence on Audience Research
Discerning and Reducing It
The term ‘social desirability bias’ (SD bias) is used to describe a systematic tendency to adapt one’s behavior or communication to conform to perceived social norms. While SD bias, which can affect the validity of empirical studies, has received considerable attention in psychological research, it has yet to be examined in the context of the fine and performing arts. This study is among the first to provide empirical evidence for high trait desirability (TD) in the cultural sector and a resultant SD bias. It shows that due to SD bias, audiences in the cultural sector are more likely to give misleading positive feedback. It is therefore incumbent on researchers in the cultural sector to integrate an awareness of and possibilities for mitigating SD bias at all stages of their studies. This paper offers several specific suggestions on how this can be done.
2017 (2)
Evaluation im Kulturbereich II

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