
Kulturmanagement in internationalen und interkulturellen Kontexten

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The essay gives an overview on different fields and functions and main challenges in arts/cultural management operating in international and intercultural contexts. Three main fields can be identified: 1. Arts management in global fields of creative industries like in the film and music industry, in international festival management or in cultural tourism; 2. Cultural management as part of cultural diplomacy and cultural planning in developing countries; 3. Cultural management as intercultural change- and diversity management within one´s own country to deal with changes in cultural life due to migration.

The article discusses the question if arts management follows a global standardized management concept or in which way arts management strategies are influenced by country specific economic, political and social conditions and role models in arts management. Finally it suggests some ideas how academic arts management programs could deal with new challenges due to internationalization.


2016 (1)
Cultural Management Without Borders

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