
Dynamics of Social Sustainability in the “Sounding Valley”: Participation and Transmission in Entlebuch Traditions


A formative role of intangible cultural heritage emerges from the understanding of social sustainability as a question of the good life. The Entlebuch in Central Switzerland is considered a model region for sustainable development in the interplay of environment and social development and is home to performing and craft traditions that are conspicuous for their strong participation. Based on typical regional traditions in the Entlebuch, strong references to social sustainability can be seen and these also offer explanatory approaches for the high measured quality of life in areas related to social sustainability according to surveys. On the basis of and through contextualization of interviews with representatives of the cultural center Entlebucherhaus, the charcoal burning and hunting music, a model of the dynamics of social sustainability is constructed, which shows effects of the traditional practice internally and externally, under aspects of interaction and cultural participation.


2023 (2)

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